2020 virtual show

Welcome to the Kilmacolm & Port Glasgow 2020 Virtual Show!
Lockdown classes and challenges for all ages and abilities!
Download your schedule and choose your challenges!

Congratulations to all our finalists, you are all amazing and we are grateful for everything you do for our community - you are all heroes!

After a close public vote, we are very pleased to announce the winners:
CHAMPION GROUP - Branchton Community Centre

RUNNER UP INDIVIDUAL - Fergus Dorrington

Congratulations to all our winners - we will be in touch with the winners and finalists this week! See below for more info on the winners.

Thank you for nominating your Local Heroes and for voting for them. Thank you to our generous sponsors and to those who have donated to the prize pot - it’s still open so in lieu of entry fees, if you can, please give a donation to the 2 group winners via our PayPal account - accounts@KilmacolmShow.co.uk

As a registered charity the Society is subject to external auditing and as such, please be assured 100% of the donations received for the local heroes will be gifted to the winners.

Branchton Community Centre
The staff and volunteers at Branchton Community Centre have been nominated for their hard work and kindness. At the end of March 2020, staff started to offer some essential items to people in their local area next to the Centre. This led to the idea of making a sandwich for lunch for some people and then this turned into delivering hot meals. Only seven weeks later Branchton Community Centre had delivered its 10,000th meal to vulnerable people all over Inverclyde. Staff and volunteers source food, cook it, pack it and deliver it to over 350 people from Wemyss Bay to Port Glasgow every day. The service also offers free essential items such as groceries and toiletries. Another important aspect of the work is the ability of the 13 delivery drivers to make contact every day with vulnerable people and to check that all is okay. You can find them on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BranchtonCC/

Eileen Kane
Eileen Kane was nominated for all the hard work she has done to make plastic shields. Despite major health issues and pain filled days, Eileen still has taken the time to sit and make these plastic safety masks for the NHS staff, Community Nurses, Care Assistants and other Care/Nursing Staff because they are running short. She is doing a remarkable thing.

Sew Kind
Emily Wilson and Anna Watson are both only 13. They founded 'Sew Kind' last year because they wanted to raise money for Charity. They raised over £1200 for the Beatson. They were nominated because at the moment they have been really busy making things for NHS - bags for the RAH and local GP surgeries. They have also been making things for the workers in local care homes and are busy making face masks for people to raise money for NHS charities. They are doing this along with keeping up with their schoolwork. You can find them on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Sew-Kind-114525596648346/

Fergus Dorrington
Fergus Dorrington is only 12 but since lockdown he has visited local care homes for the elderly and disabled on over 20 occasions playing his bagpipes to lift spirits and entertain. He even played for a lady's 100th birthday as very little could be done for her due to lockdown. He’s also played for NHS staff staying at a local hotel on the Thursday nights.

We are taking donations for our Local Hero Group winners (see details in schedule) via our PayPal account - accounts@KilmacolmShow.co.uk

As a registered charity the Society is subject to external auditing and as such, please be assured 100% of the donations received for the local heroes will be gifted to the winning nominees. Any donation toward recognising our Local Heroes would be gratefully received.
click here to download a schedule
Voting for your favourites!
Some of our classes are judged by you - if you can't use facebook, please browse the class entries on this website and send us an email with your favourite's reference letter (bottom left of photo) - horses@KilmacolmShow.org

The classes with public votes and available to browse on our website are:
PETS - Class 4 - Fancy Dress
PETS - Class 6 - My Lovely Pet
SCARECROW/GARDEN - Class 12 - Scarecrow
FARMING - Class 25 - Best Vintage Tractor
INDUSTRIAL (KIDS) - Class 30 - Best Decorated Cupcakes/Biscuits
INDUSTRIAL (KIDS) - Class 34 - Most Mouthwatering Cake
INDUSTRIAL (ADULT) - Class 46 - Floral Arrangement to commemorate VE Day
HORSE & PONY - Class 49 - Fancy Dress
HORSE & PONY - Class 51 - Best Selfie

There are 6 other classes up for the public vote but these are video classes and are only available to watch on facebook - we are very sorry.

Local Hero Awards
Nominate your people’s champions - a local person and a local organisation - for going above and beyond to help others during this crisis.

Classes for all ages and interest!
Pets, Dogs, Horses, Farming, Art and Crafts, Photography, Needlework, Gardening, Scarecrow Building, Video Challenges

Learn about the countryside and animals
Watch videos made by our local supporters about their animals and livelihoods. Take part in our daily quiz - starting on Sunday 3rd May.

Virtual Craft Tent
Browse our crafters’ lovely creations without leaving your house!

Virtual Beer Tent
Have a drink in the virtual beer tent from the comfort of your sofa - bring your own bottle!

Entry Deadlines
Entries/Nominations must be received by 9pm, Friday 8th May - entries may be limited.
Results will be announced on Saturday 16th May.

Do you have a question?
Send us a facebook message or email us: horses@ KilmacolmShow.org

thank you to our sponsors, advertisers and supporters

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