Class Rules


Entrants must agree to the Rules of Entry

The rules below are the official current rules. The directors reserve the right to make changes to the rules at any time. Any changes to rules will be made on this website and will supersede those in printed materials/PDFs.

General Rules

1.    Trophies remain the property of the Society and must be returned in good condition by the 16th April the following year. Trophies/prizes/rosettes are donated by the Society unless stated otherwise and must be collected and signed for within 1 month of the Show.
2.    Extraordinary decisions and exceptions to the rules are at the discretion of the Judges and Directors. The Directors reserve the right to make changes to the rules at any time. Any changes will be made on our website and will supersede those in printed materials. The Directors reserve the right to substitute Judges, and cancel/merge/split classes. Judges’ decisions are final.
3.    The Directors reserve the right to refuse entries. Entry money will not be refunded unless the request is received at least 72 hours before show date. In the event of the show being cancelled, no refunds will be given.
4.    Organisers and landowners will not hold themselves responsible for any loss, damage, accident or injury to any person, animal or property whatsoever or however caused. It shall be deemed a condition of entry to the showground that each entrant shall agree to indemnify the promoters against any legal action from any such incident. Exhibitors’ equipment and effects are at owner’s risk. All vehicles must be parked as directed by Stewards. Towing within showground is at owner’s risk. All exhibits are shown at own risk.
5.    The following behaviours will result in elimination from class/show without refund of entry fees: ill-treatment of an animal; irresponsible/dangerous behaviour, handling or riding; inappropriate/over-use of a whip; any behaviour which is not in accordance with the Rules or general etiquette.
6.    All animals must be sound and in a satisfactory condition. Doctoring, blistering or tampering of stock strictly prohibited.
7.    All animals must be kept under proper control. If any animal is deemed to be a danger to other competitors or the public, the owner/handler will be asked to remove it from the showfield and must do so immediately. No galloping/cantering on the showground except in rings/on courses. Animals must not be left unattended while tied up.
8.    Age restrictions for riders/animals are as at date of show unless stated otherwise.
9.    Protests. Any objection must be made to the Judge/Steward in the ring immediately and lodged in writing with the Secretary within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the class accompanied by a deposit of £20. The deposit will be forfeited if the objection is not upheld. All questions of dispute will be referred to the Stewards or, if necessary, to a quorum of Directors, whose decision will be final.
10.    Any complaints about the behaviour of a competitor should be made to the Judge and the Secretary/Convener immediately; the competitor’s name/entry number must be known in order to investigate the complaint.
11.    Competitors’ details will be retained for show related correspondence until no longer required. To withdraw consent, contact us via the
contact form .

Health & Safety Statement
The Organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health, safety and welfare of

all people and animals present. In order that these measures can be effective, everybody should take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and should obey the instructions of the Organising Committee, Stewards and Officials.

Cattle & Sheep Rules

1.   Entries must be lodged with fees by 9.30am on showday at the Secretary's Tent.
2.    Competitors must be able to satisfy the Judges and Directors of their Exhibit's age (reckoned from 1st January).
3.    Exhibits must have been bona fide in Exhibitor's possession from 1st May in the current year.
4.    Doctoring or Blistering Cows and Bottling Bulls is to be prohibited. Any cow found to have been blistered, punctured or dressed with a substance intended to alter the shape or appearance of the vessel, or any animal found to have been unduly distended will be excluded, or having completed before discovery, any prize which may have been awarded will be withheld.
5.    Bulls, except one year olds, must be secured by a ring with rope attached.
6.    Cattle passports must be brought with exhibitors to the show and must be presented to the secretary on arrival. The show organisers will only notify BCMS of the show movement (i.e. on and off the show field.) It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to record movements off and back onto their holdings.
7.    All cattle to conform to regulations approved by any Brucellosis or Tuberculosis schemes.
8.    All cattle shown must be from a BVD negative herd or be individually blood tested negative for BVD. Documentation proving this must be shown before unloading. Stewards are empowered to refer to ear numbers to check on the ScotEID database.
9.    All sheep must be individually identified in accordance with current legislation. The identification numbers should be listed on the movement book. Please note this is the responsibility of the keeper to ensure the correct details are recorded and passes on to the relevant authorities.
10.    All MAEDI-VISNA /CAE stock must be accompanied by a current and valid health status certificate to be shown to Steward before the stock is unloaded.
11.    The transport of Animals (Cleansing Disinfection) (Scotland) Regulations 2005 applies to vehicles taking animals to and from the show. The show organisers must be informed of the name and address of haulier.
12.    A parade of all prize cattle and Clydesdale Horses will be held at conclusion of judging and no stock will be allowed to leave the field before that time unless by permission of the Directors.
13.   The names and contact details of persons handling stock for the exhibitors must be recorded and retained for 3 months beyond the show date.

Dogs Rules

1.   Held under Kennel Club rules and regulations.
2.   Only undocked dogs and legally docked dogs may be entered at this show.
3.   Dogs which have won any of the following awards may not enter: Challenge Certificate (or any award that counts towards the title of champion under the rules of any governing body recognized by the Kennel Club); Reserve Challenge Certificate; Junior Warrant.
4.   Only dogs of 6 months of age and over on the day of the show are eligible for entry.
5.   Exhibitors and officials at Companion Dog Shows shall be subject to Kennel Club Rule A42.

Clydesdale Horse Rules

1.   Entries must be lodged with fees by 9.30am on showday at the Secretary’s Tent but Pairs can be entered up to 30 minutes before the class starts.
2.   All owners are reminded of the requirements of the Horse Identification (Scotland) Regulations 2009.
3.   All competitors should have their own insurance, including third party and personal accident cover.
4.   All ridden horses and ponies must be 4 years and over. No foals permitted under 3 weeks of age.
5.    Mounted riders must wear their numbers at all times.
6.    Mounted riders must wear protective head gear which conforms to current standards (see, fits correctly, be correctly fastened, and be solid and unbroken. Competitors who do not comply with this rule will be eliminated without refund of entry fees.
7.   Broodmares: no mares to be shown unless in foal or with foal in foot, or has had a foal this season, arrived at full period of gestation.
8.   A parade of all prize cattle and Clydesdale Horses will be held at conclusion of judging and no stock will be allowed to leave the field before that time unless by permission of the Directors.

Light Horse Rules

1.   All owners are reminded of the requirements of the Horse Identification (Scotland) Regulations 2009.
2.   All competitors should have their own insurance, including third party and personal accident cover.
3.   All ridden horses and ponies must be 4 years and over. No foals permitted under 3 weeks of age.
4.    Mounted riders must wear their numbers at all times.
5.    Body protectors are recommended, especially for children.
6.    Mounted riders must wear protective head gear which conforms to current standards (see, fits correctly, be correctly fastened, and be solid and unbroken. Competitors who do not comply with this rule will be eliminated without refund of entry fees.
7.   All horses/ponies competing in classes where stated height is required may be measured in their shoes by the Society’s Veterinary Surgeon at any time during the Show and their decision, with that of the Judge, shall be final. During the time of measuring, animals must be under the control of the Measurer or Stewards, at the discretion of the Judge or Convener.

Cross Country Rules

1.   If eliminated, competitors must immediately exit course.
2.   No fixed peak hats. Body protectors must be worn.
3.   Number must be visible - tie up hair if necessary.
4.   No combination may compete in more than one Cross Country class. Competitors/Animals in multiple classes will be allocated a class order.
5.   Start times are not allocated, riders must give their number to the cross country tent before 1.30 and wait to be called.
6.   No horse/pony allowed on the course unless competing.
7.   Only the competitor plus one person may walk the course once the classes have started - number must be shown to gain entry.
8.   XC classes will be run under optimum time conditions. 

Homecraft Rules

1.   These classes are held in the Homecraft Tent and are open to all who reside in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde.
2.   Entry forms must be filled in and signed by the bona fida exhibitor, and lodged with entry fees at Blackwood the Butchers, Kilmacolm, no later than the Friday before show day.
3.   Exhibits must be delivered at the Tent between 8.30 and 10am. NO EXHIBITS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 10am.
4.   Each article for competition must be accompanied by a sealed envelope, secured to the article, with the name and address inside and the class number outside. Children’s class articles must have child’s age on the outside of the envelope.
5.   Tent will close between 3.45 and 4pm to remove netting, after which, EXHIBITS MUST BE REMOVED BY 4.30pm.
6.   Prize money must be collected from the Homecraft Tent on the day of the Show, between 1.15 and 3.45pm.
7.   Points and Prizes. Any number of entries will be accepted, and full prize money will be paid but only one prize will qualify for points in each class. Entrants for Adult Championship Trophies must gain awards in two or more classes. Championship Trophies are awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the section, in the event of a tie, the judge will be asked to choose a winner.

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