President: Neil Wright
Secretary: Mandi Brown
Treasurer: Andrew Baxter
Honorary Auditor: Douglas McDonald
Immediate Past President: Aileen Russell
Honorary Presidents:
Geoffrey Foster, Isabel Laird, Hazel McLean, Lorraine Wilson.
Honorary Secretary: Loretta Campbell
Mandi organises everything required to hold the show, from marquees and fencing, to packets of sweets for the young competitors, and everything inbetween.
Mandi and her team in the tent make showday run smoothly - big thanks to Catherine, Hazel, Ruth, Ralph and all Mandi's other slaves.
Robert Baxter is the man charged with the most un-envied task at the show - trade stands. Each year Robert organises the trade pitches and craft tent to perfection which is all down to his commanding personality, calming influence and endless patience…
A great team of volunteers who plan classes, design courses, build jumps in all weather, coordinate the light horse classes on showday and are rewarded for their efforts with sweeties.
Convener: Cathy Lee
Secretary: Giulia Canata
Committee: Gillian Pettigrew, Jackie MacRae, Lenore Ramsay, Heather Meikle, Kathryn Gardiner,
Gillian Wood, Julie Etheridge, Ros Davidson, Nicola Dunn, Colene McCamley, James Baxter,
Jennie Simcock, Josie Fullerton, Robert Schwab, Emma Boyd, Laura Shish, Jill Turner, Moya McCambridge.
Course Builders: J. P. Beaton, C. Beaton, J. MacRae, L. Ramsay, H. Meikle, J. Baxter, S. Reid.
These lovely ladies - the more glamorous versions of the Bake off judges - plan, organise and run the Homecraft classes.
Convener: Christine Kay
Secretary: Kirsteen Lyth
Lynne Anderson, Morven Armour, Anne Baxter, Helen Cook, Evelyn Connell, Jan Duthie, Heather Glass, Alison Kay, Elspeth Laird, Isabel Laird, Sally MacDonald, Shona McGregor, Janie McMinn, Christine Speers, Verena Taylor, Kate Wilson, Joanne Wright
Andrew Barnes is our Clydesdale Horse convener - he organises and runs the Clydedale classes with military precision. If it's a big hairy horse, he is in charge!
Nikki does a fantastic job organising the dog classes and coordinating the hairy competitors and their slaves on showday. The wagging tails and slevvery faces are the best reward she could ask for.
Aileen has the uneviable task of organising the entertainment in the main ring - booking the entertainment is the easy bit, keeping it running to time and making sure it's sunny is the hard part.
Neil ‘The Stab’ Wilson & Paul ‘The Hammer’ Johnson are not a pair of homicidal maniacs – well only at the weekend – they are responsible for banging in all the fenceposts at the field and doing all the hundred and one things to make sure that the field is ready for our classes, exhibitors and competitors. It's not an easy job but sombody has to do it! Thanks guys!
The all-knowing Heather Meikle is the mastermind and organiser of our Education Area which is proving to be one of the most popular parts of the show. If you want to milk a fibreglass cow, get up close to some bees or pat a lamb, she's the woman to ask!
Not that you’d guess it to look at him, but Big Jock is our very own Safety Elf. Jock is our go-to man for all things dangerous so please – be safe out there and make Jock redundant!
Andrew ‘The Leader of the (wool) Pack’ Laird not only organises the Sheep classes but he also organises our social events which we hope everyone flocks to.
Roy is the man in charge of getting people through the gates and collecting admission fees - he decides who gets in and who doesn't!
James controls muddy ground conditions, traffic queues, tractor rescues and everything that goes wrong in the car park - lucky guy! If you don’t want him to go off then follow his directions.
Behind the scenes, these directors make the show run - organising the bar, hammering in fence posts, preparing the trade stand pitches, picking up litter - you name it, they do it. What a team!
Huge thanks to:
Morven Armour
Rob Baxter
Angus Black
John Black
Helen Cook
Grant Craig
Allan Gordon
Steven Kay
John Laird
Cameron Lamont
Jackie MacRae
Colin Peacock
Lenore Ramsay
Catherine Smith
Kingsley Wood
Thank you very much to our judges, stewards, volunteers, sponsors, advertisers and supporters without whom the show could not be held. We are extremely grateful for their generosity and time given throughout the year and on the day of the Show.