Clydesdale Horses


In Hand and Ridden (open)

Brood Mare • Foal • Yeld Mare • Yeld Gelding • Filly, Colt or Gelding • FIlly or Colt • Best Young Handler • Ridden Clydesdale

Trophies and Prizes

Henry Lithgow Perpetual Trophy
The Perpetual Trophy presented to The Society
in memory of the late Henry Lithgow Esquire of Drums
Awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in the Cattle, Sheep and Clydesdale Horse sections (numbered classes only, Children's Classes 23 -27 are not included in the Premium List) on the basis of: 3 points for each 1st place; 2 points for each 2nd place; 1 point for each 3rd place.

The Paddy Kerr Memorial Prize
The 2019 Paddy Kerr Memorial Prize will be
awarded to a competitor in the Highland Cattle Section.

Please note the following

  • Classes commence 10.30am.
  • Entries £2.00 each - entries taken on showfield until 9.30am.
  • The most current rules are on this website's rule's page.
  • Clydesdale Horse vehicles should enter the showfield through the Gordon Porter Gate - see the map
  • Entrant's details will be used for contact about entry/class related correspondence - consent can be withdrawn at any time by using the contact form on the contact page.

Click to download rules and forms for Cattle, Sheep, Clydesdales and Dogs Click to download a full 2024 schedule
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