2020 Local Heroes INDIVIDUALS

This year, the Show’s Supreme Champions will be people’s champions from Inverclyde or West Renfrewshire -
a local person and a local organisation nominated by the public for going above and beyond to help others during this crisis.

For Group Nominees please visit the Group page.

Voting has now closed.

Congratulations to all our finalists, you are all amazing and we are grateful for everything you do for our community - you are all heroes!

After a close public vote, we are very pleased to announce the winners:

CHAMPION GROUP - Branchton Community Centre

RUNNER UP INDIVIDUAL - Fergus Dorrington

Congratulations to all our winners - we will be in touch with the winners and finalists this week! See below for more info on the winners.

Thank you for nominating your Local Heroes and for voting for them. Thank you to our generous sponsors and to those who have donated to the prize pot - it’s still open so in lieu of entry fees, if you can, please give a donation to the 2 group winners via our PayPal account.

As a registered charity the Society is subject to external auditing and as such, please be assured 100% of the donations received for the local heroes will be gifted to the winners.

See further down page for a list of the nominees and some of the reasons they have been nominated.
Eileen Kane
I would like to nominate Eileen Kane for all the hard work and effort she is doing to make plastic shields for NHS and community nurses and carers. Despite major health issues and pain filled days, Eileen still has taken the time to sit and make these plastic safety masks for the NHS staff, Community Nurses, Care Assistants and other Care/Nursing Staff because they are running short. Please consider her because she is doing a remarkable thing.

Fergus Dorrington
Fergus Dorrington is only twelve but since lockdown he has visited local care homes for the elderly and disabled on over 20 occasions playing his bagpipes to lift spirits and entertain. He even played for a lady's 100th birthday as very little could be done for her due to lockdown. He’s also played for NHS staff staying at a local hotel on the Thursday nights.

Michelle Adamson
Michelle Adamson doesn’t think she’s a hero, but she is in my eyes.
Unfortunately I was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer last year and Michelle has been an amazingly great friend. Especially during this time when my family are shielding. As a family we are unable to leave the house and every week, without fail she will offer to do shopping, collect prescriptions and so on. Turning up with flowers and chocolates for the kids. Trying to brighten our days.
But not only does she do this for me. She does it for her mum and dad who are also having to stay at home. She does this whilst looking after her 4 children and working full time in the community helping lots of others in need. I truly admire her kindness. Hearts of gold are rare and I would love for her to have acknowledgement of just how truly special she is.

Nadeem - The Village Newsagent
Nadeem tried his best to source all the shortages, toilet paper, pasta. bread etc at the cash and carry every day, getting up at 4am to try and get what was available 7 days a week.

Yvonne McAuslan
 Yvonne has been nominated by several local people and local doctors surgery, she owns the 'Cargill Centre Café' and as soon as lock down was announced she didn't hesitate to help her fellow villagers, she has worked tirelessly to deliver prescriptions (free of charge) to people that have been unable to get out themselves and has also fulfilled their shopping requirements. She is truly a local hero!

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